? ??????????????Phone Booth? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (30 Ratings)??1100 Grabs Today. 38180 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????So Glamorous? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (118 Ratings)??1064 Grabs Today. 39252 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the C BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Watsup Guys I will make it short......I am so boring juz wan to write another blog lah......T_T keep studying will make me dead n Harold n Pris is dating already......awww......so good Pris finally found her own lfe.....

BY:Vic 11/05/2010 3pm

Watcha want from me....

Watsup Guys........

Hey u guys noe that siting beside me is a super nerd rite??He is so stupid n keep asking me stupid questions.....he suckz!!!N today teacher scold him n he cry.....

He was like so angry.....coz teacher ask us to change place.....then his got alot of book in his desk......so he is angry to put all his book to another place poor thing.....Who cares about him.....lolz!!!

BY:Vic 10/05/2010 6pm

Monday, May 10, 2010

Say aah...

Watsup Guys......

Aww.....Busy for the whole day.....lolz.....Morning 8am....I woke up n go to tuition.....weeee......so fun juz chit chat with Tong Shen....cool....the science a got an A!!!!Nice....

Then.....At 10am my mum n dad come pick me up den go to Tropicana City....n I dunno wat are we doing there then they say we are goin to see a MOVIE......DIARY OF A WIMPY KID!!!so funny.....haha.....Then about 1:30pm we went back home....

Oh then I went to chruch for Boy Brigade oh ya that day I have white badge test cool ya.......The test is so darn easy......I am goin camping out at 28/05/2010-30/04/2010 after 1 day then is our first trail test.....aww ned to study!!!!Hate It.....

Then 7pm my mum n dad bring us to eat dinner celabrate Mother's Day.....lolz.....so tired.....n so full!!!

BY:Vic 09/05/2010 8pm

Sunday, May 9, 2010

In my head.....

WATsup Guys........

oh god yesterday start exam already oh god damm it.......the science is so easy I got an A coz mt tuition teacher told me!!!Hey Guys this is my 30th post cool rite!?

N today's math is so darn hard it was so hard make marcus simply do......omg so hard lah it is like form 1 math!!!I am juz stuck in my room studying n texing to penny.....so bored!!!I wanna play.....T_T!!!!

Need to study GTG Bye Bye.....Wish u guys luck...!!

BY:Vic 08/05/2010 7pm

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